H2020 program / Horizon Europe


Nutritious, safe and sustainable seafood for consumers of tomorrow

Investigador principal

Líder de equipa

Maria Leonor Nunes é líder do Grupo SEGURANÇA E PROCESSAMENTO DE PESCADO no CIIMAR. Os seus interesses incluem a conservação/transformação/embalagem e a qualidade/segurança de produtos da pesca e aquacultura e algas. É autora/coautora de >230 de artigos em revistas indexadas >50 livros/capítulos de livros (índice H 50; >7500 citações). Tem experiência em liderança de projetos nacionais e Europeus. É membro de conselhos de investigação e de conselhos editoriais de diferentes revistas científicas. Orientou/coorientou mais de 70 alunos de MSc/PhD. Tem experiência na colaboração com agências internacionais de I&D e com indústrias e associações do setor alimentar (pescado).

Segurança e Processamento do Pescado

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SEAFOODTOMORROW aims to strengthen the European seafood production and processing industry by providing validated, commercially viable, and eco-innovative solutions that will improve seafood quality and safety, minimise environmental impacts, and drive socioeconomic development within the seafood industry.

Meeting the growing market need for safe, sustainable seafood is a formidable challenge for the European seafood industry. With European seafood imports presently reaching almost 70%, and global food demands projected to increase by 80-100% by 2050, it is vital to source and validate environmentally friendly and innovative seafood production and processing methods that will reduce European dependency on imports. Such solutions need to underpin seafood security in-line with market demand, whilst maintaining quality and traceability throughout the value chain to support consumer confidence.

Expected Results:

  • Validation of nutritional and safety aspects of eco-innovative seafood solutions through certified methodologies carried out by independent partners.
  • Easily-accessible database with seafood innovative products validation data for the implementation of a digital traceability tool linked to quality labels.
  • Improved understanding of market acceptance of eco-innovative seafood solutions in different European regions and demographics.
  • Validation of sustainable solutions from economic and environmental perspectives.
  • Benchmark for certification schemes of seafood quality and traceability for industry to strengthen consumer confidence and trust in European seafood.
  • Reduction of public health risks and promotion seafood consumption through transparent and responsible communication, dissemination, knowledge transfer and exploitation of the outcomes to the different stakeholders.
Equipas de investigação
Alimentos e Qualidade do Pescado
Segurança e Processamento do Pescado
Instituição líder
IPMA - Instituto Português do Mar e da Atmosfera
Horizon 2020
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