National R&D


The Sea and the Shore, Architecture and Marine Biology: The Impact of Sea Life on the Built Environment

Investigador principal

Líder de equipa

Elsa Froufe, Investigadora Principal no CIIMAR, possui uma licenciatura em Biologia pela Universidade de Aveiro (1997) e um doutoramento pela Universidade do Porto (2006). Com vasta experiência em genética e biologia evolutiva, o seu trabalho centra-se na compreensão dos padrões de biodiversidade aquática e nas complexidades destes ecossistemas. A Elsa colabora ativamente com uma vasta rede de investigadores estando particularmente interessada na aplicação de abordagens interdisciplinares integrativas para estudar diferentes níveis de organização da biodiversidade aquática. Nos últimos anos, tem se dedicado ao estudo do impacto das alterações climáticas na biodiversidade aquática.

Ecologia e Evolução Aquática

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This research project aims to chart the complex relationship between marine biology and the built environment, beginning with fish and algae. We can trace the history of many urban developments and built landscapes by considering the human activities centred on marine resources. Often considered as separate universes, the sea and the shore live in a continuum characterized by constant social and physical interactions. Take, for example, sardine fishing or the use of sargasso as an agricultural nutrient: each activity provides a livelihood and promotes economic development but also calls for specific architectural devices. Following the sardine or the sargasso leads us to their impact on onshore construction, ranging from the development of large industrial canneries to the shaping of the landscape for agricultural purposes. The trail even allows for links to be drawn between the two activities, as often the same people work in the fisheries in the summer and the fields in the winter. Hence, it is possible to think of architectural history through a biological lens and to connect the complex ecology of the sea with the no less complex transformation of the built environment on land.

Equipas de investigação
Ecologia e Evolução Aquática
Ecologia Bentónica e Soluções Ambientais
Instituição líder
UM - universidade do Minho
Portugal 2020
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