12 Jun
| 11:30 am

“Café com Ciência” Seminar Series

“Café com Ciência” | 12 Jun | 11h30 | Leonel Pereira

Title: Climate Change, Algae and the Future

In this talk, I will explore the interconnection between climate change and algae ecosystems, highlighting the crucial role these marine plants play in environmental balance and future solutions. Initially, I will address the topic of climate change, including rising temperatures and ocean acidification, which affect algae habitats, altering their distribution and the health of marine ecosystems.
I will then discuss algae as part of the solution to mitigating climate change. Algae have a remarkable capacity for carbon sequestration, helping to reduce CO2 levels in the atmosphere. In addition, I will highlight algae’s potential in food, biofuel production and other sustainable products, contributing to a greener economy.
Finally, I will examine the future of algae in a changing world. I will emphasize the importance of the need for continuous research and innovation to optimize the use of algae in various industries and for the conservation of marine ecosystems. I will conclude with a reflection on the policies and practices needed to support sustainable development and the resilience of marine ecosystems in the face of climate change.


Name: Leonel Pereira

Leonel Pereira has a degree in Biology (Scientific Branch), a PhD in Biology (specializing in Cell Biology) and an Aggregate Degree (Biosciences, specializing in Biotechnology) from the Faculty of Science and Technology of the University of Coimbra, where he is currently an Associate Professor with Aggregation. As well as teaching at this university, he is a researcher at the CFE (Center for Functional Ecology – Science for People & the Planet). His interests focus mainly on the areas of Marine Biodiversity (algae), Marine Biotechnology (bioactive compounds from algae) and Marine Ecology (environmental assessment). Since 2008, he has been the author and editor of the electronic publication MACOI – Portal Português das Macroalgas (, since 2018 he has been a member of the editorial board of the scientific journals “Marine Drugs” and Applied Sciences”, he is the editor of several special issues of scientific journals (Journal of Applied Phycology, Botanica Marina, Marine Drugs, Applied Sciences) he has been the editor or author of more than 20 books, author of more than 143 indexed articles, and more than 73 book chapters. He has given more than a hundred lectures and oral communications at various national and international scientific events. He is the coordinator of the master’s degree in Biodiversity and Plant Biotechnology and of various national and international research projects. He was awarded the Francisco de Holanda Prize (Honorable Mention) in 1998 and, more recently, the King Carlos Sea Prize (18th edition), and winner of the CHOICE Prize – outstanding academic title award 2016 – Book title: Edible Seaweeds of the World, CRC Press. Highly Ranked Scholars™ 2022- Leonel Pereira: #12 Marine Sciences (


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