

Located on the north coast of Porto, on one of the most emblematic and awarded buildings in Matosinhos, CIIMAR awaits Your Visit.


Terminal de Cruzeiros do Porto de Leixões.
Av. General Norton de Matos S/N
4450-208 Matosinhos

(+351) 22 340 18 00

Administrative and Financial Directorate

Administrative Services
Administrative and Financial Directorate
Graduation in Business Administration and postgraduate in finance.
Experience over  15 years in different sectors of activity in the areas of executive management and finance.


Secretariate and Events

Administrative Services
Secretariate and Events, Human Resources and Onboarding Services


Legal Support

Administrative Services
Legal Support, Human Resources and Onboarding Services

With a degree and graduate studies in Law, from Faculdade de Direito da Universidade do Porto, Isabel Regal is responsible for the Juridical Support and Public Procurement Office. Her duties include advising the Board of Direction and the support to other offices.

Image, Comunication and Outreach

Administrative Services
Image, Communication and Outreach

Carolina Sousa holds a master’s degree in Applied Biology from the University of Aveiro. With training and experience in theater and cinema, she seeks to establish a synergy between scientific knowledge and her artistic skills, while working in Science Communication.

Administrative Services
Image, Communication and Outreach

Eunice Sousa is a Biologist with a PhD in Science Communication. Her main interests are the development of strategies for the public awareness of biodiversity through autonomous nature exploration and boost of artistic and traditional communication channels to the demands of contemporary science communication. She specialized in the direct contact with nature and the use of children trade books to the development of a more positive public perception of biodiversity. She has experience in creating, executing and evaluating science communication programs including media, hands-on activities, citizen science and exhibitions as well as natural history manipulation for museology purposes. She contributed to several types of science communication projects including “Darwin’s Evolution” exhibition, “Ponds with Life” campaign, EC-funded LIFE+ Trachemys project and “Sea Food Chains” project. Her work in science communication is reported in international journal papers.

Administrative Services
Image, Communication and Outreach

Marta Correia is a Marine Biologist with a MSc in Aquatic Biological Resources. Her main interests are mainly focused on science communication and outreach, especially related to Ocean Literacy projects. Creator of experimental materials / activities / protocols in the areas of marine and environmental sciences. She has experience in executing and evaluating science communication programs especially related to environmental education and marine education activities. Organizer and coordinator of several training actions for Teachers in Experimental Teaching of Marine Sciences. Lecturer in several workshops related to Ocean Literacy and experimental science teaching. She contributed to several projects including “CIIMAR na Escola”, “OceanLab”, “SeaChange” “MALIA” and “NetTag”, especially related to the school community and aiming to increase scientific Literacy and in particular Ocean Literacy, promoting experimental teaching, Ocean conservancy and the curiosity for marine and environmental sciences.

Administrative Services
Image, Communication and Outreach

Sara Santos graduated in Aquatic Sciences at ICBAS (Institute of Biomedical Sciences Abel Salazar) and is in the final year of her Masters in Marine Sciences – Marine Resources at the same faculty. She is currently doing her MSc internship in the Communication Office of CIIMAR. Her main interests focus on Ocean Literacy and sustainability.

Environmental and Social Sustainability​

Administrative Services
Environmental and Social Sustainability

José Teixeira has a PhD in Biology and completed a post-doctorate in Science Communication. He is currently coordinator of the Environmental and Social Sustainability Office at CIIMAR, where he was coordinator of the Communication and Dissemination Office between 2014 and 2023. His interests are focused on sustainability and environmental education, hatitat restauration and biodiversity conservation. He is responsible for the coordination of enviromental awareness projects, such as “Ponds with Life” and “Ocean Action”, which was awarded in 2016 with the Green Project Award for the best Mobilization Initiative in Portugal. He integrates several European conservation programs, including the EC-funded H2020 Ponderful and LIFE+ Trachemys projects, and he is responsible for the curation and production of science exhibitions, such as: “Plastic Sea”, “Sea Monsters”, “Amphibians: a paw on water another on land”, “Museum’s Animals” and “Darwin’s Evolution”. He’s author of more than 20 scientific papers in international journals and coordinates advanced training in science communication and freshwater ecology.

Administrative Services
Environmental and Social Sustainability

I have a degree in Organic Agriculture by the Agrarian School of Coimbra and a Master’s degree in Biological Resources, Territorial Development and Sustainability by the University of Coimbra, where I studied the current status of native and invasive alien species in aquatic and riparian plants in the Mondego River Basin. My professional career encompasses a diverse range of experiences, centred essentially on pond management and later on biological invasions by plants in aquatic ecosystems. Currently, I work in science communication in the PONDERFUL project, which aims to investigate how ponds can work as a nature-based solution and in environmental education related with aquatic ecosystems and its species. My main goal is to communicate about the importance of ponds, their ecological restoration and to increase knowledge about aquatic vegetation communities.

Human Resources and Onboarding Services​

Administrative Services
Secretariate and Events, Human Resources and Onboarding Services

Administrative Services
Legal Support, Human Resources and Onboarding Services

With a degree and graduate studies in Law, from Faculdade de Direito da Universidade do Porto, Isabel Regal is responsible for the Juridical Support and Public Procurement Office. Her duties include advising the Board of Direction and the support to other offices.

Administrative Services
Human Resources and Onboarding Services, Quality Management

Administrative Services
Human Resources and Onboarding Services

My name is Miriam Mendes, I have a Bachelor’s degree in Accounting and Business Administration from ISCAP. My professional experience has allowed me to develop my knowledge in this area of Human Resources where I develop my work with commitment and responsibility.

Administrative Services
Human Resources and Onboarding Services

“From people to people”, this is the expression that made me fall in love with the Human Resources area and want to learn more and more about it.
Throughout my experience, I have always tried to provide a great experience for everyone in an organization, in order to obtain talented and motivated people.
I have a degree in Human Resources and, in my enthusiasm to obtain more knowledge in this area, I am currently finalizing my master’s degree in Economics and Human Resources Management.

Projects and Services

Administrative Services
Project and Services

Administrative Services
Project and Services

Administrative Services
Project and Services

Administrative Services
Project and Services

Administrative Services
Project and Services

With a degree in management and a master’s degree in business sciences both from the Faculdade de Economia do Porto, she is responsible for the financial management of projects.

Public Procurement

Administrative Services
Public Procurement


Administrative Services

Quality Management​

Administrative Services
Human Resources and Onboarding Services, Quality Management

Information Technologies

Administrative Services
Information Technology

Administrative Services
Information Technology

Pedro Sousa is a graduate from ATEC, where he got his degree at Network Management and Systems Administration.

Health and Safety

Administrative Services
Health and Safety, Biodiscovery and Omics

Ana Inês Nóbrega is a CIIMAR’s laboratory technician. Has a bachelor in Applied Biology, from University of Minho, and is currently at her master’s degree in marine biology at Aveiro University.

Administrative Services
Chemistry, Health and Safety, Biodiscovery and Omics

Joana Azevedo has a BSc (Honors) in Applied Chemistry from UWE, Bristol, in 1999. Went to receive her Chemistry Degree (2004), MSc (2007) and PhD (2019) in Environmental Sciences and Technology, from Faculty of Sciences of University of Porto.
Joana`s work focuses on Validation and Accreditation of analytical methods by LCMS and GCMS. Besides targeted analyses of cyanotoxins, hormones, pesticides and drugs, Joana´s has experience with protocols involved in the search of potentially new bioactive molecules.
As a High Technician, Joana is also CIIMAR´s residues delegate manager being involved in general laboratories chemical safety.

Administrative Services
Health and Safety

I’ve had a degree in Environmental Health since 2022 and I’m currently studying for a Masters in Occupational Health and Safety Engineering at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto. My main goal at Ciimar is to promote a safe workplace for workers, eliminating and preventing all existing risks.

Maintenance and Security​

Administrative Services
Maintenance and Security

Administrative Services
Maintenance and Security

Research and Innovation Strategy and Funding​

Administrative Services
Research and Innovation Strategy and Funding

Susana Moreira is PhD in Biomedical Sciences at the University of Porto in 2005. She coordinates the Science and Innovation Office at CIIMAR. She has more than ten years of experience linked to marine related research and innovation management under regional, national and European funding schemes. She has significant working experience in the development and implementation of activities related with monitoring, dissemination and exploitation of R&D results and public policy support. She also works as liaison officer with different actors (e.g. public authorities, funding agencies, academia and research centres, industry, maritime clusters) and represents CIIMAR in several national and European forums. Lecturer of the course of Integrated Ocean Management of the Marine Sciences – Marine Resources MSc Degree, at Institute of Biomedical Sciences Abel Salazar, University of Porto, Portugal. She has 20 publications in international peer-reviewed journals

Administrative Services
Research and Innovation Strategy and Funding

BSc in Biology/Ecology from the University of Rennes (France) and Master in Science Communication from the University of Paris VII. Agnès is part of CIIMAR Science and Innovation office and has been involved in the organization and management of a number of projects and events in support of CIIMAR activities.

Administrative Services
Research and Innovation Strategy and Funding, Technology Transfer and Business Development

Ana Cavadas integrates the CIIMAR-UP Science and Innovation Office supporting the center knowledge transfer and innovation management activities. Her main activities include the valorization and exploitation of R&D results, the management of Intellectual Property, the implementation stakeholder liaison and market-oriented R&D initiatives, the development of CIIMAR’s innovation strategy and the promotion of entrepreneurship.
Ana holds a degree in Environmental Sciences and Technology, Master degree in Environmental Engineering and a post-graduation in Business Process Engineering and Management.

Administrative Services
Research and Innovation Strategy and Funding, Technology Transfer and Business Development

Rita Vieira integrates both the Technology Transfer and Business Development office and the Research and Innovation Strategy and Funding office. Rita holds both a Bachelor’s and a Master’s degree in Biochemistry from the University of Porto (Faculty of Sciences and School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences).
With previous experience in start-up context and the biotech industry, her main focus areas include innovation and technology management, business development, and R&D within the blue bioeconomy sector.

Technology Transfer and Business Development

Administrative Services
Research and Innovation Strategy and Funding, Technology Transfer and Business Development

Ana Cavadas integrates the CIIMAR-UP Science and Innovation Office supporting the center knowledge transfer and innovation management activities. Her main activities include the valorization and exploitation of R&D results, the management of Intellectual Property, the implementation stakeholder liaison and market-oriented R&D initiatives, the development of CIIMAR’s innovation strategy and the promotion of entrepreneurship.
Ana holds a degree in Environmental Sciences and Technology, Master degree in Environmental Engineering and a post-graduation in Business Process Engineering and Management.

Administrative Services
Research and Innovation Strategy and Funding, Technology Transfer and Business Development

Rita Vieira integrates both the Technology Transfer and Business Development office and the Research and Innovation Strategy and Funding office. Rita holds both a Bachelor’s and a Master’s degree in Biochemistry from the University of Porto (Faculty of Sciences and School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences).
With previous experience in start-up context and the biotech industry, her main focus areas include innovation and technology management, business development, and R&D within the blue bioeconomy sector.

Administrative Services
Technology Transfer and Business Development

Carla Domingues has a Degree in Biology (2001), a MSc in Coastal Sciences (2004) and a PhD in Biology (2010) from the University of Aveiro. For more than ten years she has worked as project officer at Fórum Oceano, the Portuguese Maritime Cluster, gathering significant experience in cooperation and networking activities, liaising with academics and senior management in research organisations and the private sector giving support to new projects ideas and new business opportunities and supporting international cooperation, particularly in activities related to blue bioeconomy.

Advanced Training and Careers​

Data management and Open Science​

Administrative Services
Data management and Open Science
Maria Paola Tomasino (MPT) is responsible for Data Stewardship and Open Science at CIIMAR-UP, supporting researchers in handling their data according to FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable) and Open Science principles. MPT is involved in national and international infrastructures for best practices in Data Management (e.g. GDI, Biodata, ELIXIR). Her research interests focus on microbial diversity in natural and contaminated ecosystems. She is dedicated to teaching and mentoring students, encouraging outreach activities, and promoting collaboration between scientists and the general public. MPT has 22 peer-reviewed publications, 2 book chapters, and 1 book, she is a co-inventor of 1 patent.


Bioterium of Aquatic Organisms

Administrative Services
Bioterium of Aquatic Organisms

Administrative Services
Bioterium of Aquatic Organisms

Hugo Santos holds a degree in Biology from University of Aveiro 1994 and a Master Degree in Sciences in Coastal Zones from the University of Aveiro since 2002. Throughout the years Hugo worked with several different aquatic species (fish and invertebrates) both maintaining and using them as animal models in research. Lectures, research in different national research centers, different theoretical and practical modules in Laboratory Animal Sciences (LAS) courses focusing in the use of fish and other aquatic species in. Hugo was responsible for the first LAS course (CAL-AQUA) that only focused in using aquatic species as laboratory animal models.

Administrative Services
Bioterium of Aquatic Organisms

Olga is technician on the CIIMAR’s Aquatic Organisms Facility. She holds a degree in Aquatic Environment Sciences (ICBAS, University of Porto, 2006) with a RAS & Aquarium context specialization at SeaLife Den Haag (Netherlands, 2005). She holds MSc Degree in Aquatic Biological Resources (FCUP, University of Porto, 2012). She also has attended the degree in Marine Sciences (University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, 2002). Member of the BOGA team and lecturer/trainer in specialization courses (Laboratory Animal Sciences Courses, since 2008). Since 2019 working specifically with zebrafish as animal model in research.


Administrative Services

BSc in Applied Biology, University of Minho | MSc Molecular Biology, Biotechnology and Bioentrepreneurship in Plants, University of Minho | Pos-Graduated Quality Control, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Porto

I initiated my academic path at University of Minho, where I completed my BSc degree in Applied Biology. Having developed particular interest on the medicinal uses of plant bioactive compounds. Thereafter, I enrolled the master course in Molecular Biology, Biotechnology and Bioentrepreneurship in Plants, in University of Minho, where I acquired valuable knowledge on plant molecular biology, plant secondary metabolic pathways, plant tissue culture and engineering, and industrial biotechnology. Having developed great affinity towards understanding plant responses to environmental stress on a genetic basis, I initiated my master thesis on the “Genetic basis of ABA-GA hormonal cross-talk in the control of flowering time in Arabidopsis”, under the supervision of Professor Lucio Conti from the Department of Biosciences of Università degli Studi di Milano part of the ERASMUS+ program. During this project I had the opportunity to improve techniques including in vitro culture, genetics and transcript/protein analyses and also computational/statistics among other molecular and biochemical approaches. Currently I am working on LEGE-CC maintenance, mostly on a molecular level with the identification of strains.

Administrative Services

Daniel Despujols holds a BSc in Aquatic Sciences (2019) and a MSc in Marine Sciences – Marine Resources (2021), both awarded at the University of Porto (Portugal). Currently, he is a research technician responsible for managing the DEEP-biobank. His activities are focused on the taxonomic identification and characterization of deep-sea sponges and corals (phyla Porifera and Cnidaria) by means of morphological and molecular approaches (e.g. scanning electron microscopy, DNA barcoding).


Administrative Services

Fábio Faria has a Bachelor’s degree in Biology-Geology, a Master’s degree in Ecology, and a postgraduate degree in Science Communication. He has collaborated on various scientific outreach projects, particularly in producing content for field guides, educational notebooks, exhibitions, museums, and interpretive panels. He has provided technical and scientific support for environmental education projects and served as a monitor on field trips with children and young people. He is also a scuba diver and has participated in research projects in the field of marine ecology.
Currently, he is responsible for the communication of the Portuguese Blue Biobank.

Administrative Services

Graduated in Biological Sciences (Bachelor’s degree) at the Federal University of Santa Maria (2002-2007). Master’s degree in Botany at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (2007-2009). PhD by the Postgraduate Program in Plant Biodiversity and Environment at the Institute of Botany of São Paulo. Post-doctorate at CIIMAR (2019-2020). Currently works as a researcher in taxonomy of cyanobacteria and microalgae.

Administrative Services

Inês Ribeiro holds a BSc in Environmental Health (2015), an MSc in Toxicology and Environmental Contamination (2017), and a PhD in Biomedical Sciences (2023). Her work was in the field of marine biotechnology, focusing on the bioprospection of marine actinobacteria for the discovery of new natural products. Currently, she is a researcher (microbiology technician) in the CIIMAR, within the scope of the Innovation Pact, and provides technical support for maintaining and organizing cultures of non-photosynthetic prokaryotes that will integrate the Portuguese Blue Biobank. She has experience and know-how in microbial isolation and identification, carrying out bioactivity and biodegradation tests, and knowledge of the chemistry of natural compounds.

Administrative Services

Marine naturalist since a childhood on the intertidal coastline of Vila do Conde. Deep sea and coral research developed at the Azores, where her academic path began. Explorer at deep NE Atlantic Ocean during 16 research cruises. Driven by a main research interest, Octocorallia, using an integrated approach of taxonomy and zoogeography. Collections provide her with samples essential to put the puzzle together.
After more than a decade collecting, cataloguing and teaching curation of a marine invertebrate collection, she defends the value of collections and taxonomy. She is the manager of the Portuguese Blue Biobank, a collection of the future.

Administrative Services

Joana P. Fernandes holds a degree (2012) and master’s degree (2014) in Environmental Sciences and Technology (FCUP-UP) and a PhD in Biomedical Sciences (ICBAS – UP, 2021). In recent years, her research has been focused on biodegradation of emerging pollutants by autochthonous microorganisms. She has been studying different biodegradation approaches to remove emerging pollutants from contaminated environments and how these remediation strategies can change the natural community dynamics and structure. Also, she is involved in the development of a new culture collection, working in the isolation, cultivation, and identification of microorganisms (bacteria and fungi) with different biotechnological purposes.

Administrative Services

Renato Soares graduated in Biology in 2020 and obtained his master’s degree in bioinformatics and computational Biology in 2023 from the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Porto (FCUP). His master’s thesis focused on enhancing a database of bioactive compounds from cyanobacteria and creating an online website for it, as well as exploring the use of this database for machine learning purposes utilizing the compounds chemical/molecular descriptors. Renato is now involved in the Blue Portuguese Biobank project, where he oversees the construction and maintenance of the Biobank database.


Administrative Services

Pedro Reis holds a PhD in Biomedical Sciences, MSc in Marine Sciences and degree in Environmental Engineering. He’s presently the intermediate chief of the  Laboratory of Chemistry of CIIMAR-UP, where he is responsible for the implementation and optimization of analytical methods for the determination of inorganic elements and organic compounds in environmental samples. He is the author of more than 25 scientific papers published in peer-reviewed international journals with high impact factor.

Administrative Services
Chemistry, Health and Safety, Biodiscovery and Omics

Joana Azevedo has a BSc (Honors) in Applied Chemistry from UWE, Bristol, in 1999. Went to receive her Chemistry Degree (2004), MSc (2007) and PhD (2019) in Environmental Sciences and Technology, from Faculty of Sciences of University of Porto.
Joana`s work focuses on Validation and Accreditation of analytical methods by LCMS and GCMS. Besides targeted analyses of cyanotoxins, hormones, pesticides and drugs, Joana´s has experience with protocols involved in the search of potentially new bioactive molecules.
As a High Technician, Joana is also CIIMAR´s residues delegate manager being involved in general laboratories chemical safety.

Administrative Services
Chemistry, Biodiscovery and Omics

João Magalhães has concluded a bachelor degree in Microbiology at Catholic University of Portugal as well as a master degree in Molecular and Cell Biology at University of Aveiro. His passion is science and his main interests are focused on microbiology.

Administrative Services

Sofia Gonçalves holds a Master degree in Chemistry from FCUP. Over the past 13 years she had been responsible for applying analytical techniques of Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry with EA and TC/EA peripheries. She is also responsible for the laboratory management in what concerns the utilization of the IRMS equipment. Other responsibilities include sample processing, preparation and analysis using mostly EA-IRMS, data analysis and reporting, developing new methods, method validation and quality management.

Biodiscovery and Omics​

Administrative Services
Health and Safety, Biodiscovery and Omics

Ana Inês Nóbrega is a CIIMAR’s laboratory technician. Has a bachelor in Applied Biology, from University of Minho, and is currently at her master’s degree in marine biology at Aveiro University.

Administrative Services
Chemistry, Health and Safety, Biodiscovery and Omics

Joana Azevedo has a BSc (Honors) in Applied Chemistry from UWE, Bristol, in 1999. Went to receive her Chemistry Degree (2004), MSc (2007) and PhD (2019) in Environmental Sciences and Technology, from Faculty of Sciences of University of Porto.
Joana`s work focuses on Validation and Accreditation of analytical methods by LCMS and GCMS. Besides targeted analyses of cyanotoxins, hormones, pesticides and drugs, Joana´s has experience with protocols involved in the search of potentially new bioactive molecules.
As a High Technician, Joana is also CIIMAR´s residues delegate manager being involved in general laboratories chemical safety.

Administrative Services
Chemistry, Biodiscovery and Omics

João Magalhães has concluded a bachelor degree in Microbiology at Catholic University of Portugal as well as a master degree in Molecular and Cell Biology at University of Aveiro. His passion is science and his main interests are focused on microbiology.

Scientific Diving

Environmental Monitoring and Interpretation Center (CMIA) Matosinhos​

Administrative Services
Environmental Monitoring and Interpretation Center (CMIA) Matosinhos

Ana Filipa Costa has a degree in Ecotourism (ESAC-IPC) and a master’s degree in Marine Sciences, biology and ecology (ICBAS-UP). She is part of the CMIA team in Matosinhos, where she prepares and organises activities and content for ocean literacy.
Previously, she was a research fellow on the Inseafood and e-FishMarket projects, collaborated with the Blueforesting project, all at CIIMAR, and was the coordinator of the Environmental Education Department at Associação Almargem.
Inspired by the sea, her main interests centre on marine conservation, science communication and dissemination and civic ecology.

Administrative Services
Environmental Monitoring and Interpretation Center (CMIA) Matosinhos

Administrative Services
Environmental Monitoring and Interpretation Center (CMIA) Matosinhos

Biologist with 17 years of experience working in several branches of life sciences in Portugal and Switzerland, such as: Population Genetics, Microbiological Indicators of contamination by hospital wastewater, Clinical Analysis (Microbiology, Immunology, Hematology and Clinical Chemistry). About 4 years of experience as a high school and junior high school teacher of Natural Sciences, Earth and Life Sciences and Biology Laboratory Techniques. Volunteer service with children as a summer camp monitor (MOCAMFE) and in institutions supporting disadvantaged children in Singapore. She enjoys working closely with children and motivating guided exploration of the environment, promoting an inquisitive and critical spirit, as well as seeking information from reliable sources and transmitting and integrating knowledge into their daily lives.

Environmental Monitoring and Interpretation Center (CMIA) Vila do Conde​

Administrative Services
Environmental Monitoring and Interpretation Center (CMIA) Vila do Conde

Carlos Filipe Ferreira Gonçalves, born on June 28, 1994, has a degree in Environmental Education from the Polytechnic Institute of Viseu. He has six years of professional experience in the field of water management and treatment. He is an associative leader and member of the executive of the Parish Council of Gião, municipality of Vila do Conde. He is currently part of the team at the Vila do Conde Environmental Monitoring and Interpretation Center.

Administrative Services
Environmental Monitoring and Interpretation Center (CMIA) Vila do Conde