21 Apr
| 11:00 am

“Conversas com Ciência” in Serralves – Apr

Microplastics in the Ocean and Health

21 April, 2024

Time: 11:00

Capacity: 25 people

Access: Entrance through the Quinta gate – Rua Bartolomeu Velho, n.º 141

Panoramic Room – Quinta de Serralves

Free access, but mandatory registration via the link.

Microplastics, small plastic particles about 5 mm in size, are global pollutants, being present in the marine environment in general.

These tiny particles are ingested by various types of animals, causing various adverse effects on their health, such as neurotoxicity and reproductive toxicity. These and other effects pose a risk to environmental health and to people who consume marine food products.

Researcher: Lúcia Guilhermino

More on the event here.