30 Jun

“Conversas com Ciência” in Serralves – Jun

From Sea to Plate: Let’s Demystify Aquaculture

30 June, 2024

Time: 11:00

Capacity: 25 people

Access: Entrance through the Quinta gate – Rua Bartolomeu Velho, n.º 141

Panoramic Room – Quinta de Serralves

Free access, but mandatory registration via the link.

Aquaculture is a topic many of us know superficially, but whose importance and evolution may not be clear. This practice of producing plants and animals in aquatic environments has been around for centuries and plays a fundamental role in our food supply. Currently, it is the fastest-growing sector in global agriculture, providing healthy food at competitive prices. Much of the seafood and fish that reaches our tables today comes from aquaculture, although not all products have the same nutritional value. So the question arises: how can we make informed choices and what are the risks associated with consuming these products? Do choosing aquaculture products contribute to environmental sustainability? Let’s explore and demystify this sector so that we can make more responsible choices when buying food.

Researcher: Luísa Valente

More on the event here.