November 8, 2023

“la Caixa” doctoral programme

Doctoral INPhINIT Incoming fellowships programme frame information call 2024.

The doctoral fellowship programme INPhINIT ”la Caixa” is devoted to attracting talented early-stage researchers of any nationality who wish to pursue doctoral studies in Spanish or Portuguese territory. Sponsored by the “la Caixa” Foundation, it is aimed at supporting the best scientific talent and fostering innovative and high-quality research in Spain and Portugal by recruiting outstanding international students and offering them an attractive and competitive environment for conducting research of excellence.


Doctoral INPhINIT Incoming offers 30 PhD fellowships in research centres accredited with distinctions of excellence.

CIIMAR is one of the host organizations of INPhINIT Incoming and offers up to 10 research projects to be carried out in a multidisciplinary and international research team.

Check our offer, select CIIMAR as Host organization, and pave the way for your academic success! Apply now!


  1. Dynamics of accumulation and metabolism of Ciguatoxins in Fish – A Biochemical and Proteomics approach. Supervision: Alexandre Campos.
  2. Non-invasive tools to assess fish welfare and disease susceptibility under farming conditions. Supervision: Benjamin Costas.
  3. MICROARCTIC – Decipher Climate Change Impact on the Arctic Ocean Plankton Microbiome. Supervision: Catarina Magalhães.
  4. A genomic approach to assess freshwater mussels’ adaptations to a changing world. Supervision: Elsa Froufe and André Santos.
  5. BIODEFENSE – Sustainable Detached Breakwaters for Coastal Defense and Biodiversity Promotion. Supervision: Francisco Taveira Pinto.
  6. Warming Antarctic Peninsula: understanding cloud and precipitation properties during surface melt events. Supervision: Irina Gorodetskaya.
  7. Advancing knowledge and cost-efficient methodologies for restoration of sponge habitats. Supervision: Joana Xavier, Andreu Santín.
  8. Nature based solutions for estuarine areas recovery – targeting priority and emergent pollutants. Supervision: Marisa Almeida, Sandra Ramos, Ana Paula Mucha.
  9. Evaluation of microalgae as a novel source of functional foods or nutraceuticals for obesity control. Supervision: Ralph Urbatzka.
  10. LOBSTER-TECH: Enhancing European LOBSTERs (Homarus gammarus and Palinurus elephas) larval survival and robustness through novel strategies and TECHnologies for future stock enhancement and aquaculture programmes. Supervision: Rodrigo Ozorio and Alex Wan.


Deadline: 24 January 2024 at 13:00 (Portuguese time)


To know more about the call, visit the link.


To apply, register here.