Transnational R&D


Control, tratamiento y reducción de microplásticos y contaminantes emergentes en aguas residuales urbanas y en el medio costero transfronterizo

Principal Investigator

T.Neuparth hold a PhD in Environmental Sciences(2004) at Nova University of Lisbon. Since then, she has carried out 13 years of Postdoctoral research and from 2018-2023, was Auxiliary Researcher at CIIMAR Endocrine Disruptors and Emerging Contaminants Group-EDEC, becoming Principal Investigator at CIIMAR in2023. She has been conducting research on risk-assessment and management of environmental contaminants that involve multi-level markers in full-life-cycle, multi and transgenerational bioassays. T.Neuparth has also been involved in the preparedness to HNS spills and in studying the impacts of deep-sea mining. Recently, she has expanded her interests to Transgenerational Epigenetic studies in the context of environmental sciences.


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The BlueWWater aims to improve the quality of the water bodies by controlling, monitoring and reducing the emissions of microplastics and contaminants of emerging concern (CECs) to the aquatic environment, through the study of the efficiency of urban wastewater treatment plants (WWTP) in both regions and the environmental risk of these pollutants. Thus, this project will contribute to guarantee sustainable use of water resources and to the implementation of EU regulations.

The proposed revision of the Urban Wastewater Treatment Directive and the Water Framework Directive, pose new challenges regarding the removal of microplastics and CECs in the WWTPs, as well as in the definition of environmental standards. To provide support to administrations in meeting these environmental objectives, the project will develop high-performance automated analytical methodologies (activity 1) that facilitate the monitoring of these contaminants in water bodies. The environmental risk of CECs and microplastics will be studied and the effectiveness of a selection of WWTPs will be evaluated in both regions with and without tertiary/quaternary treatments. For this purpose, chemical and ecotoxicological tools and hydrodynamic and food chain models will be used (activity 3). Likewise, an environmental evaluation of the tertiary /quaternary treatments will be carried out.
BlueWWater will promote and consolidate the NOR-WATER Network (activity 4) which will promote transboundary collaboration of the actors involved in water quality management and will promote the exchange of knowledge in the Cooperation Area. Finally, environmental education activities will be carried out on the risks of these pollutants for school community and the public, which will promote a change of attitude and habits in society (activity 6).

Leader Institution
CETMAR - Centro Tecnológico del Mar
Interreg VA Espanha-Portugal (POCTEP)
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