Thematic Line

Global Changes and Ecosystems Services

CIIMAR provides basic knowledge and tools to support the protection and management of marine, estuarine and freshwater ecosystems. Sustainable exploitation of ocean resources with production of valuable goods and services is fostered. Work is done in close collaboration with SMEs, international and local authorities, and stakeholders.

Team Leader

Proactive marine ecologist with more than 25 years of experience in the research coastal ecosystems. My research primarily involves experimental ecology and modeling tools to understand and predict the effects of global changes on coastal populations and ecosystems, from both structural and functional perspectives.
Marine Ecology, Coastal ecosystems, Climate change, Biodiversity, Ecosystem functioning, Marine Forests, Biological invasions, Phycology.
Head of the Benthic Ecology Team at CIIMAR since 2020.

Co-Team Leader
Team Leader
Lúcia Guilhermino (PhD Biology, University of Coimbra) is Full Professor at the School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences (ICBAS) of the University of Porto (U.Porto), and President of the Ethics Commission, Principal Investigator (PI) of the Research Line of Global Changes and Ecosystems Services, and PI of the Research Team of Aquatic Ecotoxicology and One Health of the Interdisciplinary Centre of Marine and Environmental Research (CIIMAR). Coordinator of the Doctoral Programme in Environmental Contamination and Toxicology and of the Master in Environmental Toxicology and Contamination of the U. Porto,  and Coordinator by U.Porto of the Environmental Contamination and Toxicology Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree, among other functions. 
Main research: combined effects of climate changes, chemical contaminants (e.g., microplastics, nanomaterials, pharmaceuticals, metals) and other stressors on marine and freshwater organisms and ecosystems, and the resulting risks to global health. L. Guilhermino coordinated/participated in several national and international projects participated published more than 200 articles in indexed (Scopus and/or WoS) scientific journals, among more than 300 other publications.
Team Leader
Team Leader

Ana Bio is a biologist, graduated at the University of Aveiro, who obtained her PhD at Utrecht University, the Netherlands, with a thesis on statistical species-environment modelling. Since then, her research interests evolved in the fields of species-environment relationships; estuarine and coastal ecosystems and erosion risk assessment; and underwater bioacoustics. Main activities include: coastal and ocean monitoring; empirical data analysis and statistical modelling; morphodynamics and risk assessment; remote sensing data analysis; and Geographical Information Systems (GIS).

Co-Team Leader
Research Groups

Aquatic Ecology and Evolution

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Elsa Froufe

Principal Investigator

Aquatic Ecotoxicology and One Health

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Lúcia Guilhermino

Principal Investigator

Benthic Ecology and Environmental Solutions

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Francisco Arenas

Principal Investigator

Coastal Biodiversity

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Isabel Sousa Pinto

Principal Investigator

Contaminant Pathways in Marine Environment

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Miguel Caetano

Principal Investigator

Deep-Sea Biodiversity and Conservation

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Joana Xavier

Principal Investigator

Ecosystem Monitoring and Sustainability

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Laura Guimarães

Principal Investigator

Endocrine Disruptors and Emerging Contaminants

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Miguel Santos

Principal Investigator

Fish Ecology and Sustainability

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Sandra Ramos

Principal Investigator


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Adriano Bordalo e Sá

Principal Investigator

Land-Ocean-Atmosphere Interactions

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Ana Bio

Principal Investigator

Marine Ecosystem Modelling

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Irene Martins

Principal Investigator

Marine Energy and Hydraulic Structures

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Francisco Taveira Pinto

Principal Investigator

Microbiome Ecology and Biogeochemistry

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Catarina Magalhães

Principal Investigator

Rivers and Coastal Ecology

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Carlos Antunes

Principal Investigator

Social and Educational Innovation

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Clara Vasconcelos

Principal Investigator

Soil/Water Contamination and Interactions

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Natividade Vieira

Principal Investigator

Other Thematic Lines

Biology, Aquaculture & Seafood Quality

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Marine Biotechnology

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